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For me, art is a way of dealing with what I don't know how to deal with, during this COVID-19 crisis, the idea for this essay came up, as a critique of how Covid-19 has been treated in Brazil, and also a way of trying show through art the seriousness of the problem to people.

The death of humanity frightens me, not only because of the death of life, because death is a consequence of life and with that we know how to deal, I speak of the death of humanity, what makes us feel and act in community, the humanity that turns into humans.

We are a family owned and operated business.

When life is treated as a commodity, names become numbers, motives are lost, life becomes data, it becomes statistics.

Life without humanity loses its meaning.

We are a family owned and operated business.

And then, what scares me, people without humanity, become self-centered, who seek their pleasures above the common good, who ignore facts and science for the illusion of reason, do not care about others, who do not care about life , who don't care about anything that doesn't satisfy them, a sociopathic humanity where life turns into data, and data comes to life

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É proibido baixar e usar as imagens para fins comerciais e sem dar os créditos nas imagens

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