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    A new look at everyday life I am in love with the sunset, during the isolation period that moment became my only routine, and days and days watching the sunset and thinking about everything that this moment represents to me, about cycles, about energy, about flowing ... then I decided to record the moment accompanied by all the meaning it has for me

  • __Um convite a Cidade | Elas

    START SERVIÇOS PHOTOGRAPHY RECOGNITION AND ACTIVITIES ART DESIGN ON SERVICES CONTACT Blog Resultados de busca More PHOTOGRAPHY OTHERS ON Made in Isolation An invitation to the city Florianópolis by My interest in city affairs started in 2015, but it was only in 2017 that I decided to go beyond studying it and started living, where I got out of the machine and did everything possible to walk, and that's when I fell in love with the city. As Jane Jacobs (2011) approaches, the city is a living and changing space in constant transformation. And I consider this fantastic, because every time I live the city it is different, new things happen, when I leave the machine, when I leave the house, when I go to the street I see life and in a way I become life fulfilling my role as a citizen and becoming an integral part of the city. Jan Gehl (2010), in his book City for People, says that it is necessary more than the physical space for people to carry out activities in the urban space, it is necessary to make an invitation to them. So, I leave here my invitation through these photographs with a look of those who are passionate about the city, they are records of the fauna, flora of life and everything extraordinary that I saw and lived in the city during a short journey of approximately 10 km by bicycle (where I perform physical activity, a special route was not chosen, only where I had the infrastructure to ride a bicycle). We are a family owned and operated business. Fisherman playing net at Beira Mar Jacaré do Papo Amarelo Subindo no tronco para seu banho de sol, no rio Itacorubi próximo a UDESC IMG_0264.jpg Subindo no tronco para seu banho de sol, no rio Itacorubi próximo a UDESC O lugar ao sol Jacaré e tartarugas dividindo um tronco para o banho de sol Itacoru River Ponta do Coral Cercada por passaros Ponta do Coral Cercada por passaros Pescando só pescador em seu barco na beira mar norte domicilio contraste da natureza com o urbano Pescador Urbano pescador jogando tarrafa no trapiche da Av. Beira Mar Norte como se quisesse pescar a cidade Pescador Urbano pescador jogando tarrafa no trapiche da Av. Beira Mar Norte como se quisesse pescar a cidade Jacaré no mangue Próximo ao elevado do CIC Jacareando Jacarés descansando em grupos. Pica Pau Amarelo na beira mar norte A vista Cadeira abandonada na Beira Mar Note Rio Itacorubi Garça Moura voando enquanto os jacarés tomam banho de sol na beira do rio Portal of the net records of the net arriving in the water at Beira Mar norte Garça Heron at the North Sea Pier Kingfisher in front of the iguatemi mall Ninho de tapicuriu na frente do shopping iguatemi Martim pescador na frente do shopping iguatemi Alligator in the mangrove close to the CIC high Garça Moura Na frente do Shopping Iguatemi The next galleries are divided by days, I was photographing what called my attention, although there are more things that I would like to photograph but are not present because I didn't feel safe to photograph. Day 01 Practically every time I stopped to photograph the Alligators of the Itacorubi River, there was someone nearby also looking, and almost always they interacted with me (even though I was wearing my antisocial disguise, with a cap, mask that covered almost all my face, backpack) and a very large headset), commenting on other times they saw the alligators, or on other alligators that I might not have seen so I could photograph, about changes in the color of the water that they noticed. This event reminded me of what Jan Gehl (2010), in his book City for People, reports that the function of public space is to be democratic, it is a place where different people meet and connect. And the fact of the same common interest (the alligators), was enough for this connection to be generated. Day 02 I think the Itacorubi River is so beautiful, it cuts through the streets and goes almost unnoticed, sheltering incredible fauna and flora, it doesn't even seem like it's in the middle of the urban environment, it's almost like taking a safari in the middle of the city, besides the sunset one of the most beautiful in Florianópolis, not only for its colors, but for being in the middle of the city it makes me stop and reminds me that I need to pause when I forget. Day 03 This contrast between the urban and the natural, from two worlds so distinct and so close, makes it seem as if they are magical places within the island. Day 04 In addition to seeing the city, there was a day that I decided to hear some of it too, when asking permission to register Mr. Ivan, we started talking about the city and it was so much that I learned that day. Day 05 Photography and the city are two of my passions, and after I started registering the city, going out without my camera seems like something is missing, so I will continue with this invitation recording more days that I live the city.

  • ____Raposa | Elas

    Fox. A beautiful animal with a solitary nature, the fox sums up the ambivalence of human consciousness. ON Registration performed in the city of Piriápolis - Uruguay


    LOT - COVID 19 For me, art is a way of dealing with what I don't know how to deal with, during this COVID-19 crisis, the idea for this essay came up, as a critique of how Covid-19 has been treated in Brazil, and also a way of trying show through art the seriousness of the problem to people. The death of humanity frightens me, not only because of the death of life, because death is a consequence of life and with that we know how to deal, I speak of the death of humanity, what makes us feel and act in community, the humanity that turns into humans. We are a family owned and operated business. When life is treated as a commodity, names become numbers, motives are lost, life becomes data, it becomes statistics. Life without humanity loses its meaning. We are a family owned and operated business. And then, what scares me, people without humanity, become self-centered, who seek their pleasures above the common good, who ignore facts and science for the illusion of reason, do not care about others, who do not care about life , who don't care about anything that doesn't satisfy them, a sociopathic humanity where life turns into data, and data comes to life

  • Ensaios | Elas

    PHOTOGRAPHY NATURE COMMERCIAL ANIMALS PEOPLE VALORES Ensaio Arte Mãe Ensaio Mãe Tuanny Gonçalves Ensaio Mãe Ensaio Arte Mãe Ensaio Elas Artes Ensaio Lurdete Ensaio Anna Foto Arte Nada Circo Circo Tempo Fluir Sintonia Fragmentos Gaia Extraordináriamente Clã

  • ___Grande Família | Elas

    Big family ON Photos taken at Kruger Park - South Africa

  • ___Noticia Fatos desconhecidos | Elas

    MEDIA ACTIVITIES TAKEN RECOGNITION OTHERS News about the Olhar Curupira Project on the site unknown facts Link to News: Click Here

  • Entre Mundos | Elas

    What are you a reflection of? "Debaixo d'água, protegido, salvo, fora de perigo Aliviado, sem perdão e sem pecado Sem fome, sem frio, sem medo, sem vontade d e voltar Mas tinha que respirar Debaixo d'água tudo era mais bonito Mais azul, mais colorido Só faltava respirar Mas tinha que respirar Todo dia" Música De Baixo da água de Maria Bethânia Tartarugas vivem no mar, mas tem que respirar. Entre dois mundos elas vivem, no azul profundo do mar elas fizeram lar, e lá elas ficam imersas, mas, para sobrevivência delas e da espécie, elas tem que sair desse mundo para respirar e prosperar. Para a artista a foto representa uma dualidade humana, das pessoas entre seus sonhos e a realidade, os dois mundos distintos onde o viver está em saber atravessar esses portais. Registro feito na praia do Sueste em Fernando de Noronha. What are you a reflection of? Nome: Entre mundos Técnica: Fotografia Local: Fernando de Noronha ​

  • ____QUETZALLI | Elas

    BEG GIN External testing of the award winning BEG GIN product line ON Client: BEG GIN Location: Fernando de Noronha

  • Cópia: ____Logo Colegio | Elas

    Logo Logo Mont Serrat Children Development of the Logo Filhos do Mont Serrat, the project started with meetings with the community to understand the essence of the fair and what they would like to have on the logo, the name was also a vote of the community, which was later decided by friends of MontSerrat PROJECT

  • Why do female athletes need to do more than just be athletes?

    Women in Sports Artist: Gabriela Delcin Gender inequality, sexism, devaluation, abuse, the absurdities that we see athletes go through, are a reflection of what all women suffer in society. The fight of women athletes is a fight of all women. The struggle of women is a struggle of all women. About the project We are a family owned and operated business. Photography is about looking at the world, and I see pure love in these animals. I register them to make people aware that animals age, and that many are in shelters in need of love. We are a family owned and operated business. I share the images on Instagram @OlharCurupira with texts related to the experience with my dog We are a family owned and operated business. inspiration We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. The Olhar curupira project emerged as a way to deal with the mourning of the death of my dog ​​Tutu who lived with me for 19 years, after I had to decide for her euthanasia and feel her last heartbeat, the lack she made in mine life was gigantic, so it was there that I decided to visit an animal shelter as a way to get close to her, and then it was there that I saw that most of the animals that were there were elderly, as well as my beloved Tutu, but different from them they they had no family with whom they could spend their last days, so the idea came up to create the “Olhar Curupira” project as a way to raise awareness about canine aging, and also a way to get closer to my dog, as I share the photos on instagram with texts related to my experience with it. We are a family owned and operated business. Why do women athletes earn less, even with better performances? Women's salary is another point that should be debated, the point that people are not interested in women's sport is unfounded. People are not interested in women's sports, because there is no investment, no visibility. Imagine boosting a post on Instagram, one that you pay $30 and the other $450, which one will have more visibility and chance to succeed? Or a company that invests $300K in one campaign and $4.5 million in another, which is more likely to succeed? Now, thinks that FIFA pays 30 million in prize money at the Women's Football World Cup while the Men's receives 450 million. For a woman to be seen as an athlete worthy of sponsorship, it is not enough to be the best in her sport, she has to meet all the standards that society imposes. Unlike men who, in addition to not having to meet any imposed standard, can even become a standard of beauty for their talents causing many to copy their haircuts and styles. The arts were inspired by Guerrilla Girl which questions the issue of women having to be naked to be inside museums, in the images I question what women need to do to be in sports. The images dialogue with texts that contextualize the critique of sport and gender inequality. I use the issue of medals pinned on the arm as a reference of their being tied to issues of gender inequality in sport and also often without anything to do, because if they protest and are against, they are punished, and may even be prevented from competing. The tied hands also portray an issue of fetishism, of women being seen as submissive in sport. The use of bikini is a criticism of sexism and exposure of women's bodies in sports, which is imposed by the media, sponsors and even organizations. The use of the old ball on the head refers to how old-fashioned this behavior is. I also bring this issue as a criticism to those who say they are against changes in rules and say that this would change the sport, being that the sport has always changed and there is still a lot to change and these changes are not just of technology and materials. About Year: 2021 Technique: Photography and collage Artist: Gabriela Delcin


    LOT - COVID 19 The mirror reflects almost faithfully our image, but the way we see our reflections is distorted by us, by our prejudices, our gimmicks, expectations and prospects. And when we see ourselves in Narcissus, do we choose to drown ourselves in our image or be free of it?

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