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Alligators from Florianópolis

Strong animals, predators by nature, but that live in harmony with the turtles and even seem to fear the capybaras. Florianopolis yellow alligators are practically urban animals, they are along the river that cuts through the Itacorubi neighborhood and its streams, around noon they sunbathe on the trunks, floating among the vegetation and sometimes at the edges of the streams and rivers, at the end in the afternoon they gather on the bridge, they are everywhere, even on google maps we can see them, they are not hidden, but they were forgotten…. They share their habitat with a pile of garbage.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In addition to sharing their space with the garbage, they are at the mercy of the common sense of people so that they do not approach, because, although they are calm animals and are used to the urban environment and the presence of people, they are still wild animals and can attack if they feel yourself in danger.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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