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  • Ensaio Carreira | Elas

    What are you a reflection of? Qual é a imagem que você deseja transmitir? Essa é a pergunta que marca o início da conversa sobre o seu ensaio fotográfico. A importância da imagem para a sua carreira, seja você um empreendedor, funcionário ou uma empresa, é indiscutível. A sua imagem é a primeira impressão que você transmite, por isso é crucial que você transmita a imagem correta. Diferencial Gabriela, uma pesquisadora e especialista em design, é apaixonada por ajudar as pessoas a transmitirem os significados que desejam através de ensaios fotográficos. Sua metodologia inovadora coloca a questão central em cada sessão: qual é a mensagem que você deseja transmitir? Cada ensaio é cuidadosamente personalizado para atender às necessidades e propósito de cada cliente, resultando em imagens únicas e esteticamente adaptadas. Com Gabriela, sua singularidade ganha vida através da fotografia Ensaio Poket O ensaio Pocket é ideal para quem já tem um espaço e fotos definidas que quer realizar, perfeito para usar no linkedin, atualizar as fotos das redes sociais e utilizá-las para divulgação. 30min Direcionamento Assessoria no Styling 6 fotos tratadas em alta qualidade Entrega em formato online por WeTransfer ​ Investimento: 5x de R$ 180,00 Ensaio Carreiras Grupo Ensaio pensado para atender times e empresas que sabem da importância da imagem para os negócios. As fotografias podem ser realizadas de forma individual ou da equipe. Ajudante Pré ensaio Direcionamento Assessoria no Styling Assessoria na Ambientação ​ Assessoria ambientação = Auxílio na construção e escolha de cenários para fotografar. Investimento: a partir de R$200,00 por pessoa no grupo O valor depende do número de pessoas e do horário, solicite um orçamento personalizado aqui: Orçamento Ensaio Carreiras Individual O ensaio é feito para quem quer algo mais elaborado e pretende usar as fotografias como material de publicidade e dar mais credibilidade ao negócio. Nesse ensaio existe o Pré Ensaio onde é conversado para entender a categoria e posicionamento do profissional de forma que as fotos transmitam o significado que se deseja. 1h30 de ensaio Ajudante Pré ensaio Direcionamento Assessoria no Styling Assessoria na Ambientação Levantamento de informações para 10 fotos tratadas em alta qualidade Entrega em formato online por WeTransfer ​ Assessoria ambientação = Auxílio na construção e escolha de cenários para fotografar. Investimento: 8x de 218,50 Fale com nosco

  • __02 Portugues | Elas

    Biologically we are a species, the human species, and we have the declaration of human rights that guarantee our rights, but who are considered human in society and that really have access to those rights Humana 02 was a beautiful woman, born in a middle class family she dreamed of being an artist, but studied to be a doctor and follow the same path as her father, during college Humana 02 started dating her teacher who was 17 years older than she, the age difference never bothered her family, after all he was white and successful admired by many in his area, he looked like a heartthrob, they were a perfect instagram couple, nor did it seem that when they were just the two he beat human 02 and emotionally assaulted her, after more than a year of assaults human 02 took courage to end the relationship and denounce her ex boyfriend, however the denunciations did not lead to anything, nobody believed in human 02. Her ex boyfriend did not accept the end of the relationship then decided to kill the human 02. The news of the death was a scandal, and even with all the evidence there were people who doubted the truth of the news, others who blamed the human 02 already dead for ending the life of a man. We are a family owned and operated business. It seems that being a woman justifies what they do to you, as if the female gender transformed the human being in a property, belonging to those who want to, if less than themselves and in a contradictory way, be responsible for everything they do even without the freedom to make their own decisions about themselves. This is not a real story, but it could be, as these real stories show. Woman Killed by Ex

  • Fotos | Elas | Brasil

    Exploro a fotografia, artes e design para capturar significados e emoções, produzindo imagens autênticas e com muito significado ​ conheça os serviços Meu trabalho é constantemente reconhecido e premiado, refletindo meu compromisso e dedicação. Transformo momentos em memórias únicas e singulares. Contate-me para uma experiência fotográfica especial e diferenciada. saiba mais Gabriela Delcin Mente de designer, alma de artista, olhar de fotógrafa. Essa poderosa conexão me permitiu prosperar e alcançar sucesso em diversas áreas da fotografia, e ter meu trabalho reconhecido e premiado. ​ Desenvolvi uma metodologia única, baseada em meus conhecimentos em design, que coloca os significados como o cerne de meus trabalhos, sejam eles de natureza artística ou comercial. Através dessa abordagem, busco proporcionar experiências e estabelecer conexões emocionais por meio das fotografias. ​ Essa metodologia versátil me permite atuar em diferentes nichos da fotografia, pois entendo que a forma é apenas um meio de expressão. Meu estilo não é ditado pela forma em si, mas sim pelos significados que alicerçam minhas criações. São eles que delineiam e dão forma ao meu trabalho.

  • CONTATO | Elas

    Contact +55 47 99691-0315 We are a family owned and operated business. Request a quote Select a Service How you want to be contacted Submit Thanks for sending!

  • ____QUETZALLI | Elas

    BEG GIN External testing of the award winning BEG GIN product line ON Client: BEG GIN Location: Fernando de Noronha

  • __Museu Mundo | Elas

    Humana 01 is a beautiful girl, very happy and with a charming smile, she lived with her parents, uncles and grandparents, at the age of 6 human 01 started to be sexually abused by one of her uncles, without understanding what happened and with fear she she was silent, at 10 years old when she entered puberty she got pregnant and only then did her mother know what was happening. Looking for her rights, her mother denounced the aggressor and took the girl who did not want to continue the pregnancy to have an abortion, however her case had been reported, doctors refused to perform the procedure, and a group of religious extremists tried illegally. prevent Humana 01 from performing the procedure, arguing that they are in favor of life, but ignoring the life of Human 01 with 10 years old who was at risk. This is not a real story, but it could be, as these real stories show. This is not a real story, but it could be, as these real stories show. This is not a real story, but it could be, as these real stories show. This is not a real story, but it could be, as these real stories show. Biologically we are a species, the human species, and we have the declaration of human rights that guarantee our rights, but who are considered human in society and that really have access to those rights Humana 01 is a beautiful girl, very happy and with a charming smile, she lived with her parents, uncles and grandparents, at the age of 6 human 01 started to be sexually abused by one of her uncles, without understanding what happened and with fear she she was silent, at 10 years old when she entered puberty she got pregnant and only then did her mother know what was happening. Looking for her rights, her mother denounced the aggressor and took the girl who did not want to continue the pregnancy to have an abortion, however her case had been reported, doctors refused to perform the procedure, and a group of religious extremists tried illegally. prevent Humana 01 from performing the procedure, arguing that they are in favor of life, but ignoring the life of Human 01 with 10 years old who was at risk. Biologically we are a species, the human species, and we have the declaration of human rights that guarantee our rights, but who are considered human in society and that really have access to those rights

  • DESENHOS | Elas

    PHOTOGRAPHY COMMERCIAL NATURE ANIMALS ANIMALS ABNT Obsessions for standardizing The rhythms The styles The essences People We mechanize emotions In a looping of imposed stages of unattainable goals in a game that does not win, in cycles that do not end. Treating life as a recipe, with instructions that teach us to live a life that is not ours, we live displaced without understanding that the mistake is not with us. We are a family owned and operated business. The ABNT installation was developed during the collaborative Art and Technology meetings at O ​​Sitio. We are a family owned and operated business. After the installation of ABNT Digital , a second version of the analog installation was created.

  • Certificados | Elas

    MÍDIA ATIVIDADES MINISTRADAS PRÊMIOS RECONHECIMENTO OUTROS I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here. I'm an image title Describe your image here.

  • ___Book Dali | Elas

    Salvador Dali ON Salvador Dalí Rabbit Photo Shoot

  • ___Caminhada do Elefante | Elas

    The Elephant Walk ON Records made in South Africa

  • ARTE | Elas


  • ____Logo Colegio | Elas

    Logo Florence School + Active Communication Development of two logos that are connected but that are independent, for the education of children PROJECT Florence School Client

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